
What is a Vizsla?

  • a striking, medium sized, short-coat dog
  • a sensitive, loving, loyal, affectionate companion
  • a versatile hunting partner that both points and retrieves
  • a breed with a clean, relatively odorless, low maintenance coat

A Vizsla is Right for You if...

  • you keep the dog primarily inside as a part of the family
  • you take time to train this high-energy dog or exercise it daily
  • you train with praise and rewards rather than negative reinforcement
  • you want a long lived healthy family friend

A Vizsla is NOT for You if...

  • you plan to keep the dog outside in a kennel where it will be isolated from the family
  • you will not allow the dog in the same room as family
  • you do not have time to train the dog or exercise it daily
  • you plan to train the dog with negative or harsh reinforcement

From our family to yours

Two generations of Lockwood’s raising Vizslas and finding each a good home

Our daughter, Cathy Lockwood Eylar, and her husband, Brad Eylar are the primary contacts for Lockwood-Eylar Vizslas. I can’t tell you how much fun it is to have our daughter and her husband take an active part in helping place our fur babies with wonderful families. They have the knowledge and the information to guide you through the process of bringing home the perfect new addition to your family.

Day-to-day you’ll still find Bill & Donita in Okanogan, working closely with the dogs; socializing puppies is way more fun than paperwork. Every parent hopes their child will follow in their footsteps and share their interests. We enjoy working together to make your experience with Lockwood-Eylar Vizslas a pleasant and happy endeavor.

A New Companion

Vizslas are affectionate, outgoing and intelligent dogs. They will make great family companions for this who plan to make them part of the family. They are natural hunters and their webbed feet make them excellent swimmers.

Our puppies are expected to be exceptional family companions.  We seek to raise them so that they will be ready to be your best buddy or your best hunting partner.  The puppies temperament becomes critical in accomplishing this goal so our breeding program strives to produce healthy, friendly, outgoing and happy puppies.

We do our utmost to breed exceptional examples of these wonderful dogs.  And we are selective about the homes we send them to as we raise our puppies like they were to remain with us in our home.

Lockwood Vizslas

Located in the Sunny Okanogan Country in Eastern Washington, 90 miles north of Wenatchee on Hwy 97. Lockwood Vizslas is a family owned and operated with a great love of the wonderful gentle, intelligent and beautiful Vizsla.

Eylar Vizslas

Located just outside of Spokane WA on 40 acres, Eylar Vizslas is family owned and operated, passionate about breeding healthy, long-living companions. We have imported from Hungary, England & Italy to keep the lines healthy and to enhance the Breed.

Together we are Lockwood-Eylar Vizslas

Donita & Bill Lockwood

Donita, the principle owner of Lockwood’s Vizslas, grew up on a ranch where animals were a part of her life, and the dogs were more than just ranch hands who lived out by the barn. Her Vizslas are a part of the family.

Bill is an avid hunter and fisherman who has spent a large part of his life enjoying the outdoors. In pursuit of game birds. Bill has owned & loved Vizslas for over 40 years. Now he is working to share his joy of bird hunting with others.

Cathy & Brad Eylar

Cathy got to pick out her first Vizsla from Tanzy’s litter born 10/23/2003. Cathy had this dog, Violet for 14 years. Growing up with puppies around was such an amazing experience and is excited to watch her own kids grow up with these regal dogs.

Brad was first introduced to Vizslas in 2008 when he met the Lockwood family and he instantly fell in love with Cathy. Loving the Vizslas came next as Cathy’s dog Violet came to live with them in Spokane. Brad enjoys hunting with the dogs and is dedicated to bettering the breed and has assisted in importing from Hungary and Italy.

"We are dedicated to breeding exceptional Vizslas."

Bill & Donita Lockwood, Owners of Lockwood Vizslas

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if you'd like to be considered as a future puppy parent

All applications are reviewed and replied to within two days. If you have not received a reply, please check your spam or junk folders

*add us to your contacts to ensure email delivery (eylarvizslas@outlook.com)*

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Vizsla Galleries

Meet all the wonderful dogs in our three photo galleries.

Interested in Stud or Bitch Services?

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Our Guarantee

The puppy is guaranteed to be free of health problems, including inherited or genetic problems.  The guarantee for the puppy’s general health is in effect for three days after delivery of the puppy, during which time it will be expected the puppy will be examined by a veterinary doctor to obtain a health clearance.  In the event the puppy is not found to be in good health by the vet, it will be returned to the breeder and a full refund will be given. Genetic health problems, including hip dysplasia, are covered until the puppy is two years old, plus one week, at which time the owner will be expected to have the puppy’s hips OFA certified.  If inherited health problems arise, 50% of the purchase price of the puppy will be refunded. The puppy will not be replaced, as it is impractical for an owner to give up a dog after it has been part of their lives for two years.

The puppy will be delivered with an AKC Litter Registration, dewclaws removed, tail docked, first two vaccinations, wormed, and micro chipped.  Our Canadian puppy parents will be provided with a health certificate upon request, for $125 USD. We provide you with the paperwork Custom Officials will need to make your border crossing trouble free.  A non-breeding contract will be in effect until the puppy reaches two years of age and has received a health clearance, including an OFA or PenHIPP certification of the dog’s hips of good or excellent. 

If a full registration is requested the following will be submitted; a statement from your vet declaring that the dog is healthy and a good representation of the breed, along with a copy of the OFA or PennHIPP certificate showing the hip rating of good or excellent. Once this information is received, we will determine if lifting the registration is appropriate. If a full registration is granted, an additional $1,000 will be paid to Lockwood Eylar Vizslas prior to the completion of the full registration.  Reasons to want a full registration include, but are not limited to; breeding, showing, field trials, and agility.

By accepting this contract, Purchaser agrees to return the puppy to the breeder if Purchaser is unable to care for the puppy for any reason.  This is to ensure the puppy is placed in a suitable home and does not end up in a pound or in a home where it is not properly cared for.

Donita Lockwood, Owner, Lockwood Vizslas
Cathy Eylar, Owner, Eylar Vizslas

"I’m not sure what we did before Jax entered our lives"

~ Tom and Carol

"Claus and I are sooo happy with our Sawyer"

~ Brenda and Claus

"Porter has been such a joy and welcomed addition to our family"

~ Melanie

Vizsla Facts


Vizslas are very bright, typically affectionate, outgoing and friendly,  but can become mischievous if left to their own devices.   Most well-socialized, well-exercised Vizslas are good with kids and the elderly.


Vizslas respond well to training as long as methods reflect their sensitive, eager-to-please nature.   The Vizsla is a great field dog, both as a pointer and retriever. When introduced to water at a young age, most Vizslas enjoy water and are strong swimmers.

Energy Levels

Vizslas have seemingly boundless energy at times.  At the very least they need puppy and obedience training.

Physical Characteristics

Their coat is a smooth, short golden rust color, and eyes blend to the color of the coat.  Heights range from 21 to 24 inches, weights from 40 to 65 pounds, with females slightly smaller than males.  Their coat is smooth, short, solid golden rust color.  And their eyes generally match their coat after 12 weeks of age. Vizslas commonly live over 10 years.

Contact Us

Cathy & Brad Eylar

PO Box 19345
Spokane, WA 99219

Donita & Bill Lockwood

Okanogan, Washington 98840

Eylar Vizsla Phone

(509) 429-0698