Your choice of hunting clothes should consider the time of year you wish to hunt. Click to get a current Weather Forecast to select your gear! Use Zip Code 98840.
Upland game gear:
□ Light jacket in summer;
Warm jacket with a vest or fleece spring or fall;
Layers for cold in winter.
□ Cap, sun glasses, sun protector.
□ Lightweight boots, insulated in winter.
□ Camera and film or camcorder.
□ Cooler large enough to take your game home.
□ Your favorite shotgun and at least a couple of boxes of shells.
□ Local hotels available -or- camp on site and listen to the coyotes howl!
□ Good restaurants close by, and grocery stores if you need.
Game Handling:
□ All birds will be sent with a Dry Coulee Game Farm WFDW receipt.
Dry Coulee Game Farm, LLC
WFDW License # 114171
91 Okanogan Cemetary Rd Okanogan, WA 98840
Phone: (509) 429-2217